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German SURF mag wave sails test

7th January 2008

SURF MagazineIn January/February issue of German SURF magazine you can find wave sails test including 4.7 Legend and 5.4 Global. What is more the reviews are positive so go to kiosk or nearest surf shop for copy of magazine. Here is conclusion of 5.4 Global test - The raciest wave sail of the group. Soft suppressed with 100% "OFF", like powerful side-shore sail.

Here is English translation of Legend 4.7 review :

On the water : The Team members did not consider that wave newcomers are using Legend, since the sail does offer everything a wave crack is wishing for. The Legend is a preferred sail on days with big waves and rough side-off shore wind. Then you have, with best "OFF" in bottom turn, the required safety, which one is looking for in wild lines with mast high waves.

The flat profile, which shows practically zero batten curving without wind pressure, offers the best control and leaves out completely the wind pressure. Nevertheless, there is still enough power while pulling close (upwind?), it accelerates well on wave slopes and pulls strongly in the bottom turn when needed.

.... it requires a certain Trim-Know-How to find the perfect adjustment. It stays soft and damp and it does not matter if flat or bulgy trimmed, which concludes to a harmonized smooth feeling when riding the waves.

The light batten rotation, the not existing batten pressure, promise not only freestyle features - MauiSails are one of the most favorite freestyle sail in the test group and also is a winner on flat water, with also neutral maneuver handling. The comparison in weaker passive glide power is compensated by experienced surfers with pumping, since the dynamic rig is transferring each additional energy from arms forward- a characteristic feature which makes a good wave rider happy.

Conclusion : A radical wave sail for big waves and pretentious spots. But for wave surfers, who do not go to the waves first time, also quite useful when surfing in the East sea.

SURF Magazine (January/February 2008) wave sails test

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