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Training in Jericoacoara

28th January 2008

After the usual check in problems, we left Amsterdam Airport 2 hours behind schedule. Our goal was Jericoacoara. First stop is Sal, Cabo Verde for 1 hour. The second stop was in Brazil, Fortaleza airport. The owner of the Pousada we are staying was already waiting for us. From Fortaleze it is still 4 a 5 hours drive to Jeri. Most of the time driving in between palm trees and the last 15km driving on the beach. After 24 hours of travelling we finally close our eyes at 2 in the morning for some hours sleep. The next day we realise were we ended up. The most beautiful oasis next to the water, with the most steady trade winds…….. The residents from Jeri know that they are living in one of the most beautiful places on earth and live from tourism. Still they are able to keep everything small and nice. Jeri is a small village with 1500 people. About 25% of the city is shop, 25% is pousada, 25% is restaurant and 25% is local home. There are no roads: Jeri is build on sand, or actually on the beach! There are no street lights, so you can see the most beautiful stars and the highest building is only 2 floors. The only thing you need is a pair of shorts. You don’t need a shirt, even no flip flops and don’t worry if you see some cows walking down the street! It is quite common around there. The local people are really friendly and local windsurfers are very talented.

TeamTheBunch goes Brazil for winter training

From august till December Jeri is blessed with non-stop trade winds. From December the wind gets les and rain gets more. March, April and June is the rain season. Jeri is 2,5 degrees south of the equator, so temperatures are 30+ and the water slightly less. My girl friend and I arrived there at the 30th of December. Not the best month for wind, but it had something to do with work and a windy season in Holland that I don’t wanna miss! In fall there are a lot of windsurfers and the level on the water is very high. Annual Jeri travellers are Andre Paskowski (European Freestyle champion) and Marcilio Brown (World Freestyle Champion). So I guess there must be something good at this place….. When the winds gets less in December a lot of windsurfers leave and a lot of Brazilian tourists arrive for their summer holiday and their new years party. Prices go up a little, but are still a lot lower than European standard.

TeamTheBunch goes Brazil for winter training

So I got there at the end of December and everybody was making me nervous about the wind. I took my Fanatic Skate 97 and Maui Sails Legend 4.5, 5.0 and Loco 5.6 with me. At ‘the point’ the wind is side offshore from the right, with friendly waves coming in. Down wind between the dunes the wind is even stronger and more offshore. The waves are smaller, making it perfect for freestyle sessions! That’s why I like the Legends so much: perfect for wave and freestyle! The locals told me daily the wind was bad. Even if I was just entering the beach after a perfect session with my legend 5.0…… The first 2 weeks were really great. I had a few days on 4.5, one on my 5.6, a lot of 5.0 days and 2 days of rest (no wind) which were more than welcome! On the 12th day I had a little collision with my board. The board won and I was walking lame back to the pousada. I gave it some days rest and started windsurfing again. The basic stuff was no problem but I couldn’t go 100% anymore. On the last days I decided not to force anything because in 3 weeks I am off to Bonaire for some more freestyle training with team mate Steven van Broeckhoven!

Jeri was awesome and I know I will come back here! Then I come one month earlier, take my 4.0 with me and leave my 5.6 at home!

Niek van der Linde

TeamTheBunch goes Brazil for winter training

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