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New Caldonia by Taty Frans

28th November 2014

I never ever thought I would have seen this place or even travel so so far to this island. 4 days of intense slalom racing with great wind and so choppy sea conditions the heats where held in and with 3 elimination planned on each day it was sure going to be a survival of the fitness. In total we managed to do 9 races.

With me arriving just 1 days before the event with no experience of sailing here and with the locals saying that the wind will be for medium to light wind I only brought my TRX 7.0 7.7 & 8.4 and Isonic 107 and 120. Well the wind turned out to be more the what the locals predicted which was more then 15 knots and with wind gusting for sure up to 25+ knots.

New Caldonia by Taty Frans

The only first roun  of day one I use my TRX 7.7 the wind was lighter in the morning but after each heat the wind was getting better and the chops where getting more nasty so it was TRX 7.0 up for grabs.

After we did the first final and I did the loser final in which I finished 11th I start feeling more confident and with the wind improving I was getting faster with my TRX 7.0 and isoinc 107 and Zfin 38cm So after that I kept the same gears for the whole 4 days and finished with great results. It felt great and feeling that I had myself and my gears in control and going so fast to even duck jibing in some of my heats was Taty going insane or what. well I was just enjoying myself.

All the elimination we did in the 3 qualifying heats I won most the heats and you know why..? because I was really motivated and ready to go to the final. right when I need to push I kind lose the power Some of the winners finals I just didn't pushed  to have a good start that was the reason I always had not so good results.., right where it was matter the most I didn't push it.

New Caldonia by Taty Frans

I still remember some heats I was was not going to make it to the final but then I get this amazing speed and was quick enough to get enough board speed to pass cyril and bjorn in the final reach to the qualify for the finals.

I am really amazed how my board speed was at this event and with the TRX 7.0 doing a fine job easy to handle and feeling pretty in control in the windy and strong gusts got me more in the zone to just do a good racing and push myself to the advance to next heat and next heat and next heat.

I felt strong during the whole week, even though I miss one of my heats due to miss calculation  but just that made me more eager to sail better on the last day.

New Caldonia by Taty Frans

Remembering the last day
I won HEAT 5, easy with great start and good jibe and great boards speed. Heat 11 going to the first mark as someone crash ahead of me with in the jibe and I had no time to react I crashed and I remember having my fin stock in his sail as I was trying to push and rotated the sail, as I got up I saw all th guys way ahead of me with Micah leading I didn't give up and sailed the whole race as I got to the 3rd mark I managed to pass one guys and was now in 6th place heading down to mark number 4 I pulled everything together to get as fast I can and get close as I could to the other riders I jibe 1 sec behind the top 4 guy. I did this faster jibe got a clean wind and was finally in a position to go to the semi final. oh yeah. :) After that I managed to win heat 14 and booked myself to the winners final and this is where I finished 4th and it was enough to finish the event in 7th place.

Coming here I didn't expect anything I came with a open mind and just to do my best and to finished 7th is a good results for me. My whole plan for the season was to finish top 10 in the slalom. arriving in New Caledonia sitting in 11th. Now I am left with a 9th position, how cool is that ..?? hahahhaha. Last year I was 39th by doing 50% of the PWA slalom tour events. This is my first year doing the whole PWA SLALOM TOUR and finishing a 9th feels amazing.

New Caldonia by Taty Frans

Thank you to:
Mauisails team, Barry, Art, Micah, Caroline and Phil for the help thru out the year. To Casey Hauser for being so stoked on my slalom racing and for just being there, thanks buddy. To Saraha Hauser and family thank you so much for your hospitality REALLY appreciated it so much. My Other sponsors: Starboard, Mystic, Bonaire Windsurf place your support is much much appreciated for the continue for another great 2015 season. To my fans: I am your biggest fan :)

Taty Frans NB-9

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