2014 Mutant
4-batten wave sail

The 2014 Mutant is our most progressive wavesail that destroys convention, combining insane maneuverability and super-light handling with great power and wind range.
The ultra-low aspect four- batten outline, together with our exclusive shaping techniques, gives the sail true ability to be used a size smaller and the balance to stay light and in control when seriously powered. On the wave, the performance of the Mutant is without equal, its ultra-light, playful feel brings the most critical sections and aerial maneuvers within reach. The especially compact outlines and reduced rotational inertia make for instantaneous response whether maneuvering on a wave or rotating through the air. The low center of effort feels perfectly positioned close to your body and gives the sail an incredible ability to accelerate you through the most hard charging bottom turn and right up the face for the most radical gauging cutbacks and boosting aerials. The performance of the Mutant has proven itself both through the praise of many stoked wave sailors and through competition results with MauiSails Mutant riders Camille Juban, Ingrid Larouche and Casey Rehrer sweeping the AWT wavesailing tour, winning championship titles in Pro Men, Women, and Junior divisions.
After the incredible success of the Mutant in its first season, becoming our most popular wave sail model, we have tirelessly continued to test and refine the designs for 2014 ensuring that each size has optimum balance and tension for maximum wind range. Panel layout designs and construction details have been evolved to further reduce weight and provide a crisper and lighter feel. In keeping with our theme of performance without compromise, the Mutant incorporates only the finest materials including extensive use of ultra-light and strong Technora™ scrim laminate in the upper sail body, high quality and durable X-ply™ laminates in the lower body and leech and an oversize optical X-ply™ window. The 4.6 and 5.1 are optimized for a 370 mast while the 3.8 and 4.2 work either on the 370 or on the 340 for an even lighter feel. The largest 5.6 size sets on a 400.
If spray blowing sideways off the top of waves excites you and you would love riding a rig that feels so natural and responsive that it's like an evolved extension of your body, Mutate now, and you will never be the same.
