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You are watching : Ingrid Larouche profile

Ingrid Larouche is an American Windsurfing Tour leader for last two years (2011 and 2012) winning overall title. Beside that she is a great person and athlete. Keep an eye on her!

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2018 TR 2018 8.4

$1076 USD
$650 USD

Sail Quiver Bag 220 x 35 x 35cm

$110 USD
$70 USD

SRS Carbon 55 SDM 430

$410 USD
$190 USD

MauiSails Frontend Parts

$1 USD

SRS Gladiator 75 UltraRDM 370

$415 USD
$280 USD

2018 Inspire 3.0

$260 USD
$125 USD

Carbon Wave Boom
140 - 200

$768 USD
$540 USD

Boom Eva Grip

$45 USD

Carbon Boom Wave 130 Rear End 50cm 130 - 180

$250 USD
$130 USD

2018 Mutant 4.5

$747 USD
$460 USD

MauiSails Hawaii Est.1978